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Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education

The democratic citizenship component of our programs encompasses a wide range of activities from different fields, such as: education, art, social inclusion, social responsibility through sustainable economy, active participation of various citizens groups (youth, women, minorities), promotion and respect of human rights.

Human rights education is both a transversal approach in all our activities as well as a main theme of some of our projects. IIT has a long-term collaboration with Council of Europe on this topic since 2002, when Compass – A Manual for Human Rights Education with Young People was published in Romanian. Some of our staff members are experts of the Council of Europe on human rights education and related topics.

IIT is an active member of DARE – Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe, a European network consisting mainly of NGOs, academic institutions and training providers devoted to promote active democratic citizenship and human rights through formal education, non-formal and informal education, and life-long learning.

Read more about our projects in the field of democratic citizenship and human rights education here.