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Migrant in Romania

In 2009 IIT started a series of activities aiming to support the civic participation and integration of migrants. These activities were developed in a series of projects co-financed through the European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals, administered in Romania by the General Inspectorate for Immigration within the Ministry of Internal Affairs.  

The main goal of the projects was to contribute to the promotion of cohesion and integration, on the basis of the principles of a participatory inclusive democracy, to enhance consultation and civic participation of migrants. A consultancy mechanism among migrants, public institutions and civil society organizations was developed.

Specific objectives

1.    Establish positive relations and reduce the social distance between the institutions and migrants;

2.    Develop an organized framework that is culturally adapted for the communication between migrants and public authorities;

3.    Provide information on integration opportunities accessible through diverse sources;

4.    Develop a real and significant dialogue between migrants and the local population, respectively the local authorities

5.    Create opportunities for promotion of cultural specificities and recognition from society;

6.    Train multipliers and resource persons in the community, that can successfully represent the

“voice” of migrants in the dialogue with public authorities and civil society;

7.    Empower migrant organizations to participate in social, cultural al community life;

8.    Raise media awareness regarding the phenomenon of migration and train journalists to transmit relevant and non‐stereotypical information.

The projects were implemented in Timisoara, Iasi, Constanta, Cluj‐Napoca and Bucharest.

Activities and results

Migrant in Romania website: – a communication, information and consultation portal containing relevant information for migrants: news, information about the situation of migrants in Romania and about events organized by and for migrants. A forum open to public is also available.

The “Migrant in Romania” Magazine is a quarterly magazine that aims both to inform the general public about migration, as well as to offer migrants useful information to encourage and support them in their integration efforts. The electronic magazine is also available at Each issue of the magazine is accompanied by the supplement “Bessarabian Focus”.

Network of intercultural mediators – 22 persons from Timisoara, Cluj, Iasi, Constanta and Bucharest act as mediators in order to ensure a more genuine contact between members of migrants’ communities and public authorities and civil society. The mediators, who have been trained in intercultural communication, act as a link, representing at the same time the “voice” of migrant communities and the “translation” of relevant information and legislation for the members of the communities.

Local consultation seminars were organized quarterly in each of the five cities of the project. The topics of these seminars were decided in the local initiative group, according to the interests and needs of the migrant community in that specific city. The aim of these seminars was to offer the opportunity for open communication, for discussion of needs and problems, for supporting migrants in their integration process. The reports of the seminars are available on The problems discussed within these seminars and the suggestions proposed served as basis for a series of public policy proposals that were  submitted to the competent authorities.

National conferences for consultation with the migrant communities were organized every year. These conferences provided an opportunity for local and national actors in the field of migration, migrants, intercultural mediators, civil society representatives to share experiences and to learn from each other, to disseminate ideas, identify solutions and strategies for the successful integration of migrants in Romania.

Trainings for journalists on intercultural sensitivity and deconstructing stereotypes, in order to ensure a better representation of migrants in the media and give journalists a better understanding of the phenomenon of migration and on the importance of avoiding to rely on stereotypes in the materials they produce.


Association for Human Rights Defence and Social Integration Bucharest

Centre for Civic Resources Constanta

League for Human Rights Defence Cluj Read more about our projects focused on the integration of migrants at: