
Expert Tour Guides Training: Call for Participants


We are delighted to announce the call for tour guides to join us at the Tour Guides Expert
Training Workshop in the Hague, the Netherlands ( 29-31 July 2024).

Find out more:

Strengthening Intercultural Cooperation: Insights from the SHIELD Project


On 26 and 27 March 2024 the Intercultural Institute of Timisoara received the visit of Massimo Cozzolino, representative of Euro-Islam Association and member of the team of the SHIELD project. Besides exchanges with the Intercultural Institute of Timisoara, also partner in the SHIELD project, Massimo Cozzolino had meetings with the representatives of the Muslim community of Timisoara, as well as with representatives of Timis County Gendarmerie.

Read More

Building Interfaith Security: Strengthening Cooperation Between Religious Institutions and Law Enforcement in Timisoara


Representatives of several religious institutions from Timisoara, the Christian Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Faculty of Theology, the Roman Catholic Diocese, the Greek-Catholic Church and the Lutheran Evangelical Church, as well as of the Jewish Community and of the Islamic Cultural League met on the 12th of March with representatives of all Law Enforcement Authorities with responsibilities to provide protection and ensure the security of places of worship and of religious events.

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Call for Participants: IDEA Project Youth Inclusion Training


Are you passionate about youth inclusion and eager to enhance your skills in the field of non-formal education? The IDEA Project invites you to participate in an enriching training opportunity that promises to be both educational and transformative.

Event Overview:
During the training, participants from Armenia, Austria, Spain, Slovakia and Romania will have the unique opportunity to explore and exchange inclusion methods in the field of youth inclusion and non-formal education. This collaborative initiative aims to bring together professionals from diverse sectors, including civil society, youth work, and education, fostering a dynamic platform for sharing best practices.

Key Highlights:

  1. Interactive Learning: Engage in hands-on activities and discussions to explore innovative youth inclusion methodologies applicable in various settings.
  2. Networking Opportunities: Connect with professionals in the field, establishing valuable synergies for future collaboration and partnership.
  3. IDEA’s Handbook and Inclusive Communication Guide: Discover and delve into IDEA’s Handbook in non-formal education and youth inclusion. Additionally, gain insights from the Inclusive Communication Guide tailored for NGOs, media, communication experts, and journalists.

Event Details:

  • Location: Logrono, Spain
  • Date: January 30, 2024, to February 1, 2024
  • Travel: Participants will travel from Timisoara on January 29th and return on February 2nd.
  • Logistics: Accommodation, travel, and meals are fully covered by the project partnership.

Who Should Attend:
Professionals and individuals actively involved in youth inclusion work, from various backgrounds including civil society, youth work, and education or media, communication experts, and journalists.

How to Apply:
Fill out the participation form and submit it by 05.01.2024. Selected participants will be notified via email.

Why Participate:
This training offers a unique opportunity to enhance your skills, exchange knowledge, and contribute to the development of inclusive methodologies in youth inclusion and non-formal education.

Don’t miss out on this chance to be part of a collaborative effort towards building a more inclusive society.

For more information and to access the participation form, contact Timea Serb at

Join us in Logrono, Spain, as we pave the way for a more inclusive and empowered future for vulnerable youth!

“Aprendiendo del pasado, actuando por el futuro” – La enseñanza y aprendizaje de la Shoá desde el enfoque de los Derechos Humanos


Enseñando sobre el Holocausto y Derechos Humanos
Valencia, 3-7 de julio, 2023

The Olga Lengyel Institute for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights (TOLI) y el European
Institute of Education for Democratic Culture (ECUDEM-UCV), queremos informarle que
tenemos previsto realizar en Valencia el I seminario de formación para profesorado, bajo el título
“Aprendiendo del pasado, actuando por el futuro” La enseñanza y aprendizaje de la Shoá desde
el enfoque de los Derechos Humanos, desde el lunes 3 al viernes 7 de julio.

El seminario consiste en un programa intensivo de 5 días dirigido a profesorado de ESO y
Bachillerato de toda España. Los solicitantes deben tener alguna experiencia previa en la
enseñanza sobre el Holocausto y deben comprometerse a la promoción y la enseñanza sobre el
Holocausto, la justicia social y los Derechos Humanos durante el curso escolar 2023-2024.

La participación en el seminario está becado por la CE, el programa CERV y por lo tanto no
conlleva coste para los participantes. La matrícula, así como el alojamiento y comidas, durante el
programa oficial del seminario, están cubiertos en su totalidad, quedando el desplazamiento a
cargo de los participantes.

Tras el seminario, mediante un programa impulsado por la fundación TOLI, los participantes
podrán solicitar mini-becas para poder llevar a cabo programas educativos basadas en los
aprendizajes adquiridos y transmitir su conocimiento al aula y al resto de su comunidad educativa.

Se invita al profesorado de Secundaria y Bachillerato que estén interesados en participar, a
completar el formulario de solicitud a través del siguiente enlace:, antes del viernes 2 de junio de 2023.

Se requiere que el profesorado que presente su solicitud asista durante toda la duración del
programa. Por favor, dada la cantidad de personas interesadas, considere esto detenidamente antes
de presentar la solicitud, ya que el número de participantes es limitado.

Una vez recibida la solicitud, se procederá a la selección del profesorado participante, y a la
mayor brevedad posible recibirán una comunicación directa informando de la aceptación de su
solicitud. El profesorado que solicite participar en el curso y que, por motivo del límite de
participación, no pudiera hacerlo en esta edición, podrá volver a solicitarlo en futuras ediciones. Es
nuestra voluntad que esta formación alcance a un cada vez mayor número de educadores, dada la
importancia del contenido, y es por eso que pretendemos continuar con este proceso formativo en
futuras convocatorias anuales. En el proceso de selección se tendrá especialmente en cuenta
candidatos/as pertenecientes a colectivos minoritarios.

Ante cualquier pregunta, no dude en comunicarse con nosotros en:

Resumen del programa
● Este seminario está organizado por The Olga Lengyel Institute (TOLI) y European Institute
of Education for Democratic Culture (ECUDEM-UCV).
● El objetivo del seminario es contribuir a mejorar la calidad de la educación sobre los
Derechos Humanos y el Holocausto en España. El programa brinda una gran oportunidad para
integrar enfoques nacionales e internacionales en la enseñanza sobre estos temas, y en la
comprensión de la relevancia contemporánea de esta importante parte de la Historia

Los objetivos del programa son:
● Desarrollar la comprensión critica del profesorado escolar sobre las discusiones dialécticas
históricas y actuales sobre el Holocausto y otros casos de vulneración de la dignidad humana y de
injusticia social.;
● Desarrollar una comprensión crítica en el profesorado escolar sobre el antisemitismo, la
islamofobia, el antigitanismo, el racismo, la xenofobia y el rechazo hacia la alteridad y su impacto
sobre individuos y grupos sociales.
● Aportar conocimientos sobre la vida judía antes y después del Holocausto;
● Dotar al profesorado escolar con herramientas pedagógicas innovadoras para la enseñanza
del Holocausto desde una perspectiva basada en los derechos humanos;
● Desarrollar la capacidad del profesorado escolar para implementar el enfoque del Whole
School approach (WSA), brindado oportunidad para trabajo transversal en red, la inclusión de
actividades extracurriculares, la colaboración con la sociedad civil y de entidades de educación no
● Promover un enfoque de enseñanza de la Shoá que integra la perspectiva de los DDHH y la
mirada intercultural.

El seminario contará con ponentes de reconocido prestigio internacional, y con testimonios
directos, y contará con enfoques teóricos y, sobre todo, dinámicas prácticas.

La metodología de la formación está centrada en el alumno, basada en los principios del
aprendizaje experiencial y un enfoque educativo y crítico basado en los Derechos Humanos. Se
utilizan una variedad de métodos para estimular el compromiso de los participantes, sus reflexiones
y un alto nivel de interacción: presentaciones, análisis, discusiones, reflexiones, trabajo en grupo,
vídeos, visitas, oradores invitados, testimonios de sobrevivientes, etc.

El programa comprende un total de 32 horas académicas, encontrándonos en trámite de
reconocimiento oficial.

El seminario es parte del proyecto “Knowledge and Critical Understanding of History – A Key Competence for Democratic Culture” (“Conocimiento y Comprensión Crítica de la Historia – Una Competencia Clave para la Cultura Democrática”), cofinanciado por la Unión Europea a través del programa CERV y por TOLI.

Поуки от миналото  – действия за бъдещето. Преподаване на Холокост и социална справедливост


Благоевград, България, юли /9-13.07.2023г./

Семинарът, който е петдневен и много интензивен, е отправен към преподаватели в прогимназиален и гимназиален етап, без значение какъв предмет преподават, стига да имат изразен интерес към преподаването на Холокост и да бъдат активни в преподаването на темата за Холокост и социалната справедливост за в бъдеще.

Проектът се организира в рамките на проект „Поуки от миналото, послания за бъдещето, от Фондация „Олга Ленгиел“ /TOLI/ съвместно с Американски университет в България, както и Организацията на евреите в България „Шалом“, Централен израилтянски духовен съвет и Център за междуетнически диалог и толерантност АМАЛИПЕ.

Общата цел на проекта е да допринесе за повишаване качеството на образованието по отношение на Холокоста и социалната справедливост в България. Програмата ще предостави широки възможности за интегриране на национални и международни подходи при преподаването на тези теми и разбирането на съвременната приложимост на тази важна част от съвременната история.

Конкретните цели на програмата са:

  • да се развие информираността на преподавателите относно историческите и съвременните диалектически дискусии за Холокоста и други случаи на социална справедливост;
  • да се развие разбирането на преподавателите за въздействието на стереотипите, предрасъдъците и дискриминацията срещу отделни хора, групи или общества;
  • да се развие разбирането на преподавателите за живота на евреите преди и след Холокоста;
  • да се повиши признанието на новаторските методи на преподаване, концентрирани върху учениците, включително извънкласни дейности и партньорство между училищата и други институции и организации;
  • да се насърчи създаването на единен подход към образованието относно Холокоста и правата на човека.

Методологията на обучението се концентрира върху обучаваните, основава се на принципите на подхода за експериментално обучение и образование, основано на правата на човека. Ще бъдат използвани методи, чиято цел е да насърчи ангажираността на участниците, техните разсъждения и високо ниво на взаимодействие: презентации, анализи, дискусии, размисли, работа в групи, видеоклипове, посещения на автентични места, гост-лектори, разкази на оцелели и други.

Програмата се състои от  32 академични часа.

В края на семинара участниците ще имат възможността да кандидатстват за мини-грант, който да използват в работата си в учебната година с ученици и да разпространят знанията, които са научили по време на семинара в класната стая и местната общественост.

Няма такса за участие в семинара. Институтът Олга Ленгиел покрива всички разходи за обучение, изхранване и настаняване в общежитията на Американски университет в Благоевград по време на целия семинар. Единственият разход за участниците са пътните до София или до Благоевград, като се има предвид, че има организиран транспорт само от София до Благоевград.

Учителите, които проявяват интерес към темите на семинара, могат да попълнят и изпратят своята бланка за кандидатстване до 10/06/2023г.:

От учителите се очаква присъствие по време на целия семинар. Моля, помислете за това, преди да подадете вашето заявление за участие.

При възникнали въпроси, моля не се колебайте да се свържете с нас на следния имейл :

With Assistance from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany

Sponsored by the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future

Supported by the German Federal Ministry of Finance

Round table on the topic of heritage education in Timisoara, and opening of photo exhibition


The round table “How can we use urban space and local and European memory to combat discrimination?” will take place on 27 March at 6 pm in the attic of the Faculty of Arts and Design (4 Oituz Street, Timișoara).

We propose an inspiring and constructive discussion, in which we will reflect together on what we can draw from the place we live in, in order to build integrated communities, characterized by valuing diversity and respect for human rights.

Guests: David Stoleru (Beit Project Association), Oana Neștian-Sandu (The Olga Lengyel Institute for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights) and Călin Rus (Intercultural Institute Timisoara).

The event will take place in English and the reservation of the place is done by filling in the form at this link until March 24:

At the end of the discussion (around 19.30) there will be the opening of the photography exhibition “Nomadic Photographic Project”. The exhibition consists of 24 panels of photographs that will be displayed from 27 March to 27 April 2023 on the fence of the Botanical Park in Timisoara, on the side of Calea Alexandru Ioan Cuza.

The events are organized within the framework of the “Beit Project: Nomadic School of European Memory“, whose local coordinator is the Intercultural Institute Timișoara.

IIT acts as host and support organizations for ESC volunteers


In 2021-2022 IIT:

– supported one volunteer who was hosted by Internationaler Bund Polska in Poland, in the framework of the project WELL – volunteering. The volunteer worked mainly in schools for disabled children;

– hosted three volunteers from Italy and Luxembourg in the framework of the project Combating intolerance through education. The volunteers worked with teachers, with young people and with refugees, they contributed to research and organization of national and international events.

Council of Europe Webinar about the Teacher Reflection Tool


The Education Department of the Council of Europe is organising a webinar to introduce the Teacher Reflection Tool (TRT), developed on the basis of the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC).

The webinar will take place on 17 February 2022 from 16.00 to 18.00 CET, see attached details.

The webinar will present: Why the TRT was developed; The features of the TRT; and how it can be used. 

The event will be held in English and on the online platform Blue Jeans Events. Please register here.

The agenda of the webinar is available in English and French in this document: