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Belieforama – A Panoramic Approach to Issues of Religion, Belief and Anti-discrimination

Building upon an earlier Grundtvig project (2004-2006) to develop the award-winning Religious Diversity and Anti-Discrimination Training Module, and a Transversal project (2007-2009) to disseminate and exploit it, the project Belieforama aimed to develop, pilot and implement new methods and materials for validating the competence of educators working with this training programme while at the same time building a Community of Practice (CoP) that provided for a long-term creative exchange on continued programme development.

The project was supporting the development of excellence in the field of Religious Diversity training, a new field that was becoming somewhat fashionable but without mechanisms to establish credibility. The project promoted the spirit of entrepreneurship of the trainers and partners by giving them a competitive edge based upon solid education frameworks of validating competences.

Annual users seminars, opportunities for further learning through thematic trainings and a lively web-based forum that gives visibility and work space for material co-creation are a few of the key outputs of this project. In addition, emerging issues from local and European workshops on religious diversity were gathered, collated and analysed towards the preparation of a Policy Brief in paper and conference form. Up to 50 case studies of how individuals from all walks of life integrate the learning from the training into their personal and/or professional life were collected and published into a booklet as well as on the website, offering inspiration and practical ideas – showing that it is possible to find creative, innovative and effective strategies to live and work in religious diversity.

This project offered a multi-tiered, multi-dimensional and flexible framework for adults to improve their knowledge and competences in the fields of diversity (specifically religio-cultural) and training through modular, 2 day, 3 day, 5 day seminars, users seminars, further training opportunities, the accreditation process and Community of Practice.


CEJI – Centre Europeen Juif d’Information – Belgium (coordinator)

The Multifaith Centre at the Univesity of Derby – UK

Novas Sacarman Group Ltd. – UK

DVV International – Germany

Partners Bulgaria Foundation – Bulgaria

Intercultural Institute of Timisoara – Romania

Institute of Cultural Affairs – Spain

Extravaleren – Netherlands Read more about the project at: