
Be the Voice of Your Generation

This project was initiated by the Intercultural Institute together with the City Hall Timisoara, the Timis County Department for Sports and Youth, the Timis County Foundation for Youth and the ALTFEL Initiative Group. The activities of the project were designed by the project partners to respond to the needs of the young people whom the project partners represented or worked with.

The project started from the need for a coherent youth policy in Timisoara, that would respond to the needs of the young people in the community. The project produced a policy document offering a strategic direction based on structured dialogue between youth and decision makers.

The main objectives of the project were:

  • The elaboration of a youth strategy for the period 2014‐2019 in Timisoara.
  • Increasing the capacity of 10 NGOs in the country to create in their communities a framework for structured dialogue between young people and local public authorities.
  • Facilitating structured dialogue between young people, NGOs and local public authorities in Timisoara

The main activities of the project were:

  • Elaboration of the local youth strategy, on the basis of a sociological research and consultations with relevant actors. 1000 young people and 50 representatives of different local institutions/organizations were involved in the development of the strategy. The strategy was adopted by the Local Council through the Local Council Decision no. 574/27.11.2014
  • Organisation of a training course for 20 young people at national level in order to achieve the structured dialogue between young people and authorities (September 2013)
  • Organisation of a national conference in Timisoara (October 2014)

Timisoara Youth Strategy 2014-2020 can be downloaded here in Romanian.

Read more about the project at: